Plagiarism Policy

Check for Plagiarism

The Journal is a member of Crosscheck, and all manuscripts are screened by Crosscheck in terms of originality. If serious issues are identified concerning the manuscript, the assignee will notify the corresponding author as part of our standard procedure. No action is required from you unless specifically requested for very serious concerns.
Any article that has problems with any of the above criteria may be rejected at this stage. Manuscripts rejected at this stage typically are not in line with the focus and scopes of the journal. Essays that pass through this stage are then entered into the peer review process.

All submissions will be checked with iThenticate™ plagiarism detection software. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of more than 20% in total and/or more than 5% from a single source will be sent back to the author for correction. References section and similarities of less than 3 words will not be considered. In some manuscripts, methodology sections may also not consider in evaluation of the similarity in accordance with editor’s decisions.